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青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2018-11-01


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2018年11月4日了解到:Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said 90 percent of companies in China are using the Microsoft operating system, though only 1 percent are actually paying for it. Ballmer says the theft has to end.


“I’m a free trader, by nature. I went to the school of economics – it’s the best thing for the world,” Ballmer told FOX Business’ Maria Bartiromo on Thursday. “This one’s a tricky issue because it’s absolutely clear that the rules don’t apply in China, and the U.S. government needs to do something.”

鲍尔默周四对福克斯商业频道的玛丽亚.巴蒂罗姆说:“我天生就是一个自由贸易者。 但知识产权是一个棘手的问题,因为很明显,这些规定不适用于中国,美国政府需要行动起来。”

Not only is the theft a foreign policy issue, it impacts investors as well.


“Without any pressure from the U.S. government – we are talking about $10 billion plus, for example, in Microsoft that would go into profit,” he said.


Microsoft has been doing business with China for more than 25 years, long before the tit-for-tat tariff Opens a New Window. fight Opens a New Window. – led by President Trump – exploded.


Trump tweeted on Thursday that he spoke with Chinese Xi Jinping, calling it “a long and very good conversation.”




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