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Property Lease Contract

五. 乙方在租赁期内须依法经营,合法行事,不得经营和制造违法违纪行业及物品,如因此出现的问题一经发现甲方有权立即终止合同,乙方负全部责任。甲方在租赁期内对本院内的其他租户拥有管理权。
V. For the whole duration of the lease, Party B shall conduct business and act in compliance with all applicable laws and regulatory requirements, and shall not carry on illegal operations or manufacture prohibited items within the leased Property. Breach by Party B of this provision shall entitle Party A to terminate this Contract with immediate effect, and all liabilities arising therefrom shall be solely borne by Party B. During the lease, Party A reserves the right to exercise management over other tenants of the building.
六. 甲方在租赁期内对乙方始终有监督权和管理权,乙方要保持院内清洁有序以及建筑物的管理,安全。乙方不得私自将房屋梁,柱折减或增加负荷,特殊时期应及时清理房顶的杂物积雪,以防出现不必要的安全事故,若因此出现的问题由乙方全部负责。
VI. During the lease, Party A shall at all times have the right to supervise and manage Party B's activities in the leased Property. Party B shall keep the building clean and tidy, and shall ensure safe use of the leased Property. Party B shall not add/remove load to/from the beams or columns of the leased Property without authorization. Party B shall timely clear away snow on the roof in special seasons to prevent unnecessary accidents, failing which Party B shall be liable for any and all resulting damages.
七. 乙方租用甲方场地及房屋不得转让,抵押,转让,买卖,出售等其他损坏甲方利益的行为,如违反造成的损失和责任由乙方负责。
VII. Party B may not assign, mortgage, transfer, sell, offer for sale, or otherwise dispose of the leased Property. Any and all damages and liabilities resulting from such unauthorized disposal shall be borne by Party B.
八. 在租赁期内如果遇政府规划,拆迁改造等政府行为及不可抗力原因,天灾等造成不能正常使用时合同自动终止,甲方及时通知乙方并只退还剩余未到期的租金,其他所有补偿均于乙方无关,如因周边规划需要改变现有房屋及场地现状时,乙方不得因故阻扰,甲方保留改变院内状况的权利,甲方和乙方在租赁期内任何一方不得私自无故终止合同,否则视为违约,按剩余租赁期年租金的双倍赔偿对方损失。
VIII. In case of any act of government (e.g. government planning, demolition, and redevelopment) or act of god or other Force Majeure event that prevents normal use of the leased Property by Party B, this Contract shall automatically be terminated. If this Contract is so terminated, Party A shall give prompt notice and return to Party B only the portion of rent prepaid but undue with respect to the remaining lease term. Party B shall not be entitled to any other compensation. If it is necessary to change the present status of the leased Property due to surrounding area planning, Party B shall not obstruct the same for any reason. Party A reserves the right to change the conditions of the building. During the lease, neither Party shall terminate this Contract without good cause, otherwise it shall constitute a default event of the terminating Party, and the default Party shall pay the non-default Party liquidated damages in an amount doubling the annual rent payable for the remaining lease.
九. 本合同到期之日后,如该场地厂房没有任何变动,并且乙方有意愿继续承租,甲方可以续租。
IX. After this Contract expires, if the leased Property has no change and Party B desires to renew the lease, then Party A may renew the lease.
十. 甲方特别提醒乙方,我们与加油站,变电站相隔为邻,乙方务必在防火防爆等措施,制度方面给予严格完善的管理,我们的墙体是泡沫保温板属易燃品,需要特别注意防火,如上所过出现的任何问题及损失均由乙方负责并赔偿甲方损失。
X. Special attention is drawn to the fact that the leased Property is located near a fuel station and a transformer substation. Therefore, Party B must have strict and robust fire/explosion protection measures and systems in place. The walls of the leased Property are made of foam insulation boards, which belong to flammable materials that require extra fire protection efforts. Any and all damages and liabilities resulting from improper fire/explosion protection shall be borne by Party B.
十一. 上述条款内所说乙方的违约或者终止合同的结果是轻则甲方予以断水,断电,重则是乙方自动同意甲方自主将房屋内的物品直接清理现场,清理费用由乙方承担,如由物品丢失或损坏均由乙方自负这是双方共同的意思表示,共同遵守执行。
XI. It is understood and agreed that any default event of Party B as mentioned above shall entitle Party A to stop water/electricity connection to the leased Property and, in severe cases, to vacate the leased Property at the expense of Party B; and that any loss of or damage to Party B's goods resulting from such vacation shall be solely borne by Party B.
十二. 在承租期内除了不可抗力因素外给乙方造成的损失,应由甲方和相关人员承担全部责任。
XII. During the lease, any loss incurred by Party B in connection with the leased Property resulting from causes other than Force Majeure shall be wholly borne by Party A and its relevant personnel.
十三. 本合同签字并在甲方收到乙方的支付首期租赁金款项后生效,具有同等法律效力。双方应严格遵守以上的约定,如单方违约按年租金双赔赔偿给对方。本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,每份两页。其它未协商率先宜甲,乙双方协商解决,如协商无果提交租赁物所在地的人民法院处理。
XIII. This Contract shall come into effect after signature by the Parties and receipt by Party A of the first rent payment from Party B. Both Parties agree to be fully bound by all the terms and conditions of this Contract. Any default shall give rise to liquidated damages in an amount doubling the annual rent payable hereunder. This Contract is executed in two originals of equivalent legal effect, of which each Party receives on original (totally 2 pages each). Matters not included herein shall first be settled through friendly consultations by the Parties. If no settlement can be reached through such consultations, either Party may submit the matter to a court of competent jurisdiction over the place where the leased Property is located.

甲方(负责人): 乙方(负责人):
Party A (person in charge): Party B (person in charge):

日期: 日期:
Date: Date:

