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执行的技术标准Applicable Technical Standards
Main standard specifications applied to the works are:
(1) SHNK, KMK: Town-planning regulations (National Uzbek Standards)
(2) GOST Standard: National government standards
(3) MKN, MSHN, VSN: Norms and standards for the road sector
(4) IKN: Departmental building codes used in the construction of highways
(5) OSN: standards used in the domain of transfer of communications and their structures
For works not covered by these specifications, the relevant GOST or equivalent international standards are deemed to apply.

自然状况Natural Conditions
The climate of Tashkent region is continental characterized by hot dry long summers and short almost snowless winters. The highest annual temperatures are in June, and in July-August in more mountainous terrains. Average maximum temperature of the hottest month is 34.7°С.
Average maximum temperature of the coldest period is 0.6°С.
The wind speeds in the area are ranging from 1.4-5 meter per second. The average precipitation level is 432 mm. The freezing depth is up to 0.7 m.
2.4.2 物理地理条件Physic-geographical conditions
该州主要河流是锡尔河( Sirdarya,该河流经塔什干州的长度为125km)及其支流——奇尔奇克(Chirchik)河、恩仁(Angren)河。
The main rivers in the region are Sirdarya (length in Tashkent region – 125km) and its tributaries - Chirchik and Angren.
恰特卡尔 (Chatkal)、库拉明(Kuramin)、普斯凯姆(Pskem)和乌伽姆(Ugam)山岭位于该州东北部和东部。该州大部分地势特征为由北向南、由东北向西南从山脚逐渐降低向平原过渡,一直延伸至锡尔河畔。海拔达到1200-1400米的山区为草原地形,再高处生长有松树林,到了2000米高处则为亚高山和高山牧场。
Chatkal, Kuramin, Pskem and Ugam mountain ridges are located in the north-east and east parts of region. Most part of territory represents gradually lowering foothill plain to south and south-west up to Sirdarya River. In mountains up to 1200-1400 m high there are mountain steppes, upper there are pine woods, and at 2000 m height subalpine and alpine pastures.
2.4.3 供水来源Sources of Water Supply
Due to the availability of large quantity of rivers and settlements, which have water supply system, water supply of the object presents no difficulty. Technical water supply will be provided by water from the nearest rivers, irrigate channels, as well as from artesian wells. Drinking water and water for utility needs are recommended to be taken in the crossed settlements, which have water supply systems.
2.4.4 地质结构Geological Structure
On the prospected road at a depth of 7.0 m, the soil is composed of yellow-gray and gray loam, dense with signs of iron and insertions of small crushed stone and gravel, which are water saturated. The fill and upper layers are made of gravel-pebbly soils up to 1.9 m.
Calculated seismicity of construction site is 8 points.

