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  《人民日报》下属单位被指存在腐败现象 China anti-corruption watchdog targets People’s Daily 

青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2015-10-20


China’s anti-corruption watchdog has taken on People’s Daily, the flagship newspaper of the ruling party, accusing it of taking bribes to bury news and using the threat of exposure to blackmail.

China is well into the second year of a sweeping anti-corruption campaign under President Xi Jinping, whose purge of rival political factions has been accompanied by the detention of prominent journalists, lawyers and civil rights campaigners. 中国国家主席习近平发起的声势浩大的反腐运动早已进入第二个年头。这场反腐运动在清洗敌对政治派系的同时,还导致不少知名记者、律师和民权活动人士被拘留。

“Some domestic bureaux used the party’s resources to get profits by setting up co-operation deals. Some subsidiaries had instances of payment for news, payment not to publish and blackmail,” the watchdog said in its report on the People’s Daily, issued over the weekend. 中央巡视组在上周末向人民日报社反馈专项巡视情况时表示:“有的国内分社利用党报资源搞合作开发牟利,有的下属单位存在有偿新闻、有偿不闻和新闻敲诈现象。”

The accusations contrast with the fate of journalists who brave the wrath of powerful interests. Earlier this month the Chinese security apparatus detained a journalist at the respected Southern Metropolis Daily, apparently because of his reports on a well-connected qigong master, even though the master himself is already under investigation for murder. 这些指控与那些面对权贵集团怒火的记者的命运形成鲜明对比。本月早些时候,中国安全部门拘留了备受尊敬的《南方都市报》(Southern Metropolis Daily)的一名记者,显然是源于他对一位人脉广泛的气功大师的报道,即便这位气功大师本人已经因涉嫌谋杀而受到调查。

“This special inspection must be a turning point for the People’s Daily,” said Yang Zhengwu, editor-in-chief, according to the watchdog’s report, adding that the paper would take steps to improve management and strengthen political consciousness. 根据中央巡视组的报告,人民日报社社长杨振武表示:“人民日报社要以此次专项巡视为契机。”他还补充称,人民日报社将会采取措施改进管理和增强政治意识。

Corruption cases are usually covered by Chinese media only after the party has decided to move. That means keeping a lid on detailed accounts of corruption uncovered independently by journalists, said Ivy Zhang, professor of journalism studies at the University of Nottingham, Ningbo. “They don’t want the media to go ahead of them. They don’t want to be caught off guard,” she said. 腐败案件通常只有在党决定采取行动后才会由中国媒体报道。宁波诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham)的新闻学研究教授张世欣(Ivy Zhang)表示,这意味着压住记者独立发现的腐败案详情。她说:“他们不想让媒体抢在他们之前报道。他们不想感到被动。”

State-run media rarely airs accusations against top-ranked officials in the provinces or ministries, although confidential reports on wrongdoing might be written in internal party publications. That creates the incentive for bribery or blackmail to block those reports. 官方媒体很少刊发指控省部级高官的报道,尽管可能会在内参上撰写有关不当行为的机密报告。这为有偿不闻和新闻敲诈提供了动力。

“They will publish internal reports, which will go to the most important authorities, but they won’t let society and the public know. We believe that making the public aware of these issues is the best way for you to have an impact,” said Liu Hu, an investigative journalist who spent a year in detention after reporting on the purchase by conglomerate China Resourcesof mines at inflated prices. He was freed on bail in August 2014, several months after China Resources’ head Song Linwas detained on corruption charges. 调查记者刘虎表示:“他们将发表内参,这些报告将会送达最重要的部门,但他们不会让社会和公众知道。我们相信,让公众知晓这些事情是你产生影响的最佳途径。”在报道中国企业集团华润(China Resources)以高得离谱的价格收购煤矿之后,刘虎曾被拘留一年。他在2014年8月获得取保候审,在那之前数月,华润董事长宋林因涉嫌腐败而被拘。

Chinese journalists who break ranks can face charges that vary from extortion to defamation to “illegal publishing”, if they threaten powerful interests or get swept up in factional fighting. 不服从体制的中国记者如果威胁到权贵利益或者被卷入派系斗争,就可能面临从敲诈勒索到诽谤和“非法出版”等种种刑事指控。

“The Central Committee for Discipline Inspection and the police can investigate corruption, the people don’t have the right,” said one former journalist who has served time in jail. 一位曾被捕入狱的前记者表示:“中纪委和警方可以调查腐败,但人民没有这个权力。”

The risks of bucking the system were evident when a small group of mourners gathered in Beijing on Friday to bury Qi Li, a former journalist with Human Habitation, a construction industry magazine under the state-owned Xinhua news agency. 冲击这种体制的风险显而易见。上周五,一群人来到北京参加《人居》(Human Habitation)前记者齐力的葬礼。《人居》是官方的新华社旗下的一家建筑行业杂志。

Ms Qi and a fellow Xinhua journalist spent three years in jail after attempting to blow the whistle on lucrative land sales abetted by Xinhua’s branch in Shandong province a decade ago. Ms Qi won a partial exoneration from the Shandong courts but died of cancer without regaining her status or health benefits as a Xinhua employee. 在10年前试图揭发新华社山东分社支持有利可图的土地销售后,齐力和一位新华社记者被拘留了3年。最终齐力被山东法院免除部分罪名,但在没有重获新华社员工的地位或者健康福利的情况下死于癌症。



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