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4. 处分的执行 
4. Execution of Punishments
1) 口头警告,由直接主管建议,部门经理/总监批准后执行,并将书面处罚报告交人力资源部备案。
1) A verbal warning which is proposed by the immediate supervisor shall be executed after approval by the manager / director of the department concerned and a written punishment report shall be submitted to HR Department for the record.
2) 书面警告,由部门经理/总监报人力资源部调查,核实后由部门经理/总监与人力资源部执行。
2) In the event of a written warning, the manager / director of the department concerned shall report it to HR Department for investigation. After confirmation, it shall be executed by the manager / director of the department concerned together with HR Department.
3) 解除劳动合同,由部门经理/总监报人力资源部调查,经相关程序审核批准后,由部门经理/总监与人力资源部执行。
3) In the event of termination of labor contract, the manager / director of the department concerned shall report it to HR Department for investigation. After approved after completion of the relevant examination and approval procedures, it shall be executed by the manager / director of the department concerned together with HR Department.
4) 所有的处分记录将被保存在员工的人事档案中。
4) All punishment records shall be kept in the personnel archives of the employee concerned.
5. 申诉程序
5. Complaint Procedures
1) 公司鼓励员工在有申诉要求时,与其直接主管沟通,共同解决问题。
1) An employee who has a complaint is encouraged by the Company to communicate with his / her immediate supervisor in order to settle the complaint through joint efforts.
2) 员工若对所受处分不服或不满,可在违纪处分通知送达后一周内以书面形式,向人力资源部门提出申诉,要求复议。
2) An employee who refuses to accept the punishment may, within one week after receipt of the disciplinary action notice, file a written appeal requesting for reconsideration to HR Department.
3) 员工可直接向人力资源部经理提出申诉,要求复议。人力资源部经理在收到申诉之后,将与部门经理就违纪事实再次进行确认,有必要的话,人力资源部经理应会同部门经理对违纪事实进行调查,然后给出处理意见并回复员工本人。
3) The employee may file an appeal directly to the manager of HR Department, requesting for reconsideration. After receipt of the appeal, the manager of HR Department shall organize reconsideration together with the department manager and when necessary, they shall investigate the case, give treatment comments and reply to the employee concerned.
4) 在下列情况下,员工可以向上一级经理或直接向人力资源部申诉:
4) Under any of the following circumstances, an employee may file an appeal to the manager of a higher level or directly to HR Department:
• 直接主管无法解决的;
• The immediate supervisor fails to solve the problem;
• 申诉的对象涉及到直接主管的;
• The immediate supervisor is the subject of the appeal;
• 申诉的内容超越了员工所在部门的;
• The contents of the appeal cover an area beyond the department to which the employee belongs;
• 员工对直接主管的答复不满意的;
• The employee is not satisfied with the reply of the immediate supervisor; or
• 员工认为不便向直接主管沟通的其他情形。
• Any other circumstances under which the employee believes it inconvenient to communicate with the immediate supervisor.
5) 员工对性骚扰行为可直接向公司人力资源部投诉。
5) In the event of a sexual harassment, the employee may lodge a complaint directly to HR Department.
6) 接受员工申诉的管理团队,包括部门经理/总监及人力资源经理。应本着公平原则,及时了解相关信息,做出决定,并与员工沟通。
6) The management team receiving the employee’s complaint shall include the manager / director of the department concerned and manager of HR Department. This team shall promptly get to know the relevant information, make decisions and communicate with the employee on the principle of fairness.
7) 公司管理层对申诉问题的决定是公司内部的最终裁决。
7) The decision of the management of the Company on the complaint is the internal final decision of the Company.

