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发布者:青岛希尼尔翻译公司      发布时间:2021-04-25



On April 23, Qingdao senior translation company department found that the updated information in the "Translation Department" column of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website showed that Zhang Lu had taken up the post of Deputy Director of the Translation Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The main responsibility of the Translation Department is to be responsible for the translation of important national foreign affairs activities, diplomatic documents and documents into English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese; to coordinate the professional training and professional guidance of translators in various languages.

张璐出生于1977年,是土生土长的济南姑娘,是外交学院国际法系1996级学生,曾在伦敦一所大学学习外交学专业,并获得硕士学位。 2000年,23岁的张璐从外交学院国际法系毕业,进入外交部工作。后来,曾任外交部翻译室英文处副处长、外交部翻译司西葡语处处长。 2010年3月14日,33岁的张璐首次亮相总理记者会,正式进入人们的视野。2011年,张璐因在两会记者会上流利翻译温家宝总理引用的古诗词,走红网络,好评如潮。 张璐曾多次在总理记者会上担纲翻译,也是重要对外场合的首席翻译之一。

Born in 1977, Zhang Lu is a Jinan girl who was born and raised in Jinan. She is a 1996 student of the Department of International Law at the China Foreign Affairs University. She studied diplomacy at a university in London and obtained a master's degree. In 2000, 23-year-old Zhang Lu graduated from the Department of International Law of China Foreign Affairs University and joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Later, he served as Deputy Director of the English Division of the Translation Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Director of the Spanish-Portuguese Division of the Translation Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On March 14, 2010, 33-year-old Zhang Lu made her debut at the Prime Minister's press conference and formally entered people's field of vision. In 2011, Zhang Lu became popular online and received rave reviews for fluently translating ancient poems quoted by Premier Wen Jiabao at the press conferences of the two sessions. Zhang Lu has acted as an interpreter at the Prime Minister's press conference many times, and is also one of the chief interpreters on important foreign occasions.

外交部翻译室的一位工作人员向媒体介绍,想进入外交部当一名高级翻译,必须经历“严格筛选、疯狂练习、周密准备”三重考验。 外交部挑选翻译人员要经过严格的初试和复试:初试一般通过公务员考试排名,或是去专业院校进行笔试。其中成绩排在最前面的10至15名,才有可能进入翻译司参加下一阶段的“观察培训”。“观察培训”实质上就是“淘汰式培训”,最终只有不到4%的人被录用。 据央广网2015年刊文报道,成为一名出色的翻译,需要经历“魔鬼式训练”,张璐在给学生做讲座时自己就说过,自己常常加班到凌晨两点,每天还是听BBC、CNN,做笔记,还要看《参考消息》和《环球时报》等。

A staff member of the Translation Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs introduced to the media that to enter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a senior translator, one must go through the triple test of "strict selection, crazy practice, and careful preparation". The Ministry of Foreign Affairs selects translators to go through a rigorous initial and re-examination: the initial examination usually passes the civil service examination ranking, or goes to a professional college for a written examination. Among them, the top 10 to 15 in their scores will be able to enter the translation department to participate in the next stage of "observation training". "Observation training" is essentially "elimination training". In the end, less than 4% of people were hired. According to a report published by the China Broadcasting Corporation in 2015, to be an excellent translator requires "devil-style training". Zhang Lu said when he gave lectures to students that she often worked overtime until two in the morning, and she still listened to BBC and CNN, taking notes, also read "Reference News" and "Global Times" and so on.

