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发布者:青岛希尼尔翻译公司      发布时间:2021-04-25



Our country attaches great importance to the status of education, and the development of education has always been in a leading position. Only when education develops can the quality of the people be improved. The society's demand for highly educated talents is also increasing.

英语主科地位被动摇,取消英语的呼声越来越高 从小到大英语都是我们学习的三大主科之一,不同于数学的理科基础和语文的国民生活必须,英语总是显得不是那么重要,但是又不得不学,还一直占据着主科的地位,成为了许多学生拉分的项目。

The status of the main subject of English is shaken, and the call for abolition of English is getting higher and higher. English is one of the three main subjects we learn from childhood. English is always different from the basic science of mathematics and the national life necessity of Chinese. It is important, but it has to be studied, and it has always occupied the position of the main subject, and it has become a project for many students to pull points.


Qingdao Translation Company found that some changes have taken place in the reform of the senior high school entrance examination in Liaoning Province this year. English has changed from 120 points to 100 points, which is a drop of 20 points. It is divided into 75 points for written test and 25 points for listening and speaking. The position of the branch was shaken.


The Ministry of Education responded: English will not be kicked out of the college entrance examination, but will give due consideration to lowering English scores.

