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青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2015-10-25


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2015年10月25日了解到:英国财政大臣乔治?奥斯本(George Osborne)上月宣称,他希望“在中英关系上冒点险”。在中国国家主席习近平前往伦敦开启为期四天的盛大国事访问之际,这种风险有多大将成为国际社会注目的焦点。UK allies baffled by red carpet treatment for Xi George Osborne, the chancellor, announced last month that he wanted to “take a risk” with Britain’s relationship with China. As Xi Jinping, Chinese president, heads for London at the start of a lavish four-day state visit, the extent of that risk will come under the international spotlight.

In what is being seen in other western capitals as an unprecedented kowtow, almost every aspect of the British state will be thrown open to Mr Xi: Buckingham Palace, 10 Downing Street, Chequers, the Palace of Westminster — even the country’s critical infrastructure, including nuclear power. 英国将把国家的几乎所有方面都对习近平敞开:白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)、唐宁街10号(10 Downing Street)、首相的官方乡间别墅契克斯(Chequers)、威斯敏斯特宫(Palace of Westminster),甚至是包括核电站在内的关键基础设施。这一行为被其他西方国家视为对中国的一次史无前例的“叩头”。

Britain’s traditional allies regard this behaviour as bizarre at best and craven and dangerous at worst, while old China hands at the Foreign Office are in despair. 英国的传统盟友认为,往好了说,这种行为有些古怪,往坏了说,这种行为是懦弱和危险的。英国外交部的“中国通”们则处于绝望中。

“We will just have to hold our noses,” said one grandee as he contemplated a week in which Mr Xi will be feted in London and Manchester. 一位政要设想未来一周习近平在伦敦和曼彻斯特接受款待的情形时说道:“我们只能捏着鼻子(做这些事情)了。”

A senior adviser to US policymakers described the UK as “the only place where China is truly influential right now, because they are so desperate for Chinese investment”. 美国政策制定者的一位高级顾问将英国描述为“中国现在唯一真正能够影响的地方,因为英国非常渴望获得中国的投资”。

One senior western intelligence officer said: “The most charitable spin we can put on the current China policy of the British government is to say it is a pure mercantilist, unprincipled, self-serving decision aimed at attracting short-term investment. The big question is whether it actually works.” 西方一位高级情报官员表示:“我们对英国政府当前中国政策的最善意解读是,它是一个旨在吸引短期投资的、纯粹重商主义的、无原则的自私决定。关键的问题是它能否真正奏效。”

Mr Osborne and David Cameron, prime minister, see China as a big potential source of investment for Britain’s creaking infrastructure and for help in funding the transformation of northern England, particularly Manchester, into a second global hub alongside London. 奥斯本和英国首相戴维?卡梅伦(David Cameron)认为,中国有可能为英国老化的基础设施提供巨额投资,并为将英格兰北部(尤其是曼彻斯特)打造为英国继伦敦之后第二个全球枢纽的计划提供资金。

Mr Osborne dreams of London becoming an offshore centre for Chinese finance, and views Beijing’s switch to consumer-led growth as a vast opportunity for UK services industries. 奥斯本梦想伦敦能成为中国金融的离岸中心,并将中国转向消费主导型增长模式视为英国服务业的重大机遇。

Explaining his motives to the Financial Times during a trip on a train in Xinjiang, where Uighurs say they suffer oppression, Mr Osborne said: “I wanted to take a bit of a risk with the China relationship. I wanted to push it so it really brings jobs and growth.” 奥斯本在乘坐火车前往新疆的途中向英国《金融时报》解释了他的动机,他表示:“我希望在对华关系上冒一点险,推动英中关系发展,从而真正为我们国家带来就业机会和经济增长。”在新疆,维吾尔族人称自己正受到压迫。

One of the biggest frustrations for western governments revolves around Britain’s decision to avoid any mention of the Communist Party’s human rights record. 西方国家政府最大的失望之一,与英国决定避免提及中共的人权记录有关。

In the past, the UK was one of the toughest in publicly criticising human rights abuses. But Mr Osborne engineered a new approach in 2012 after Mr Cameron followed Foreign Office advice and met the Dalai Lama in London, triggering a freeze in political relations. 过去,在公开批评侵犯人权方面,英国是态度最严厉的国家之一。但在卡梅伦听从英国外交部建议与达赖喇嘛在伦敦会晤、从而引发中英政治关系冰冻之后,奥斯本在2012年设计了新的做法。

Some have argued that Britain’s commercial relations with China were not affected by this diplomatic chill, but Mr Osborne and Mr Cameron drew the opposite lesson. They are set on removing all obstacles to what they hope will be a “golden decade” in relations between the two countries, making Britain China’s “number one partner”. 一些人辩称,英国与中国的商业关系没有受到这次外交寒流的影响,但奥斯本和卡梅伦不这么认为。他们希望中英关系将会迎来“黄金十年”,并准备为此消除所有障碍,让英国成为中国的“头号合作伙伴”。

Steve Tsang, a China expert at Nottingham University, said: “In the longer term, Osborne’s approach will be counter-productive. He will not persuade the Chinese government to respect the UK or the British government more. 诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham)的中国问题专家曾锐生(Steve Tsang)表示:“就较长期而言,奥斯本的做法将会适得其反。他将无法说服中国政府更加尊重英国或者英国政府。

“By telling his Chinese host that the UK will do practically anything to persuade the Chinese to accept the UK as their best friend, the Chinese government would have to be constituted by idiots not to ask for more and more. And the Chinese government is run by very able, hard-nosed and astute political players.” “奥斯本告诉他的中国东道主,英国将竭尽所能让中国人接纳英国为自己最好的朋友。中国政府除非是由白痴组成的,否则肯定会向英方索要越来越多的东西。而中国政府的管理者是非常能干、强悍和精明的政治人物。”

Another source of bafflement among many of Britain’s traditional allies is the timing of this new policy, coming just as China’s economic might is looking more brittle than it has in decades. They also point to the apparent lack of concrete benefits that have so far come from London’s new approach in dealing with China’s authoritarian leaders. China is the biggest trade partner for 67 countries, but the UK is not one of them. 让许多英国传统盟友感到困惑的另一件事情是新政策出台的时机,它正好赶在中国经济实力看上去比过去几十年更为脆弱之际出台。他们还指出,英国政府与中国威权领导人打交道的这种新做法,迄今似乎并没有带来什么实实在在的好处。

In 2014, mainland China was Britain’s sixth-largest export market, just ahead of Belgium and Luxembourg but well behind allies such as the US, France and Germany, which have been upset by London’s policy towards China. 2014年,中国大陆是英国第六大出口市场,仅领先于比利时和卢森堡,远远落后于美国、法国和德国等盟友,这些盟友近来对伦敦方面的对华政策感到失望。

Mr Osborne knows the UK’s courting of China is infuriating western allies including Washington, but that is 奥斯本知道,英国讨好中国令包括华盛顿在内的西方盟友感到不满,但这是战略的一部分。北京方面注意到了英国在战略上转向亚洲的意愿并对此表示认同。这种战略显然存在风险,但奥斯本相信,事实将会证明他是正确的。

part of the strategy. Beijing notes with approval Britain’s willingness to make a strategic pivot to Asia. It is clearly a risk, but the chancellor believes he will be vindicated.



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