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  肉制品行业称加工肉致癌说法“大惊小怪” (中英双语) 

青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2015-10-28


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2015年10月28日了解到:对于世界卫生组织(WHO)癌症研究机构宣称的其产品的致癌可能性,全球肉制品产业已愤怒做出回应。The global meat industry has reacted with fury to the prospect of its products being declared carcinogenic by the cancer research arm of the World Health Organisation.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the WHO, is on Monday due to issue a report that is expected to rule that processed meat such as bacon and sausages is a carcinogen, while red meat is probably carcinogenic. 隶属世界卫生组织的国际癌症研究所(International Agency for Research on Cancer,IARC)定于周一发布一份报告,该报告预计会规定培根和腊肠等加工肉为致癌物,而红肉则是可能致癌物。

In an attempt to undermine the IARC findings in advance, The North American Meat Institute (Nami) accused the body of “dramatic and alarmist over-reach”. 北美肉类研究所(North American Meat Institute, NAMI)指责该机构“夸张而又大惊小怪,管得过宽了”,试图抢先一步降低IARC结论的可信度。

“Red and processed meat are among 940 substances reviewed by IARC found to pose some level of theoretical ‘hazard’,” said Barry Carpenter, Nami president. “Only one substance, a chemical in yoga pants, has been declared by IARC not to cause cancer.” NAMI总裁巴里?卡彭特(Barry Carpenter)表示:“在被IARC审查的物质中,有940种物质被冠以某种程度的理论上的‘危险性’,红肉和加工肉只是其中之一。而瑜伽裤上的一种化学物质则是唯一被IARC声称不会导致癌症的物质。”

Robert Pickard, a Cardiff university professor who sits on the UK’s Meat Advisory Panel (MAP), an industry group, added: “Avoiding red meat in diet is not a protective strategy against cancer. Choosing a meat-free diet is a lifestyle choice; it is not vital for health.” 卡蒂夫大学(Cardiff University)教授、英国行业组织肉类顾问委员会(Meat Advisory Panel,MAP)成员罗伯特?皮卡德(Robert Pickard)则补充说:“在食谱中避免红肉并不是针对癌症的保护性策略。选择不吃肉是一种生活方式,但并不是通往健康的必由之路。”

Carrie Ruxton, a dietitian and MAP member, said Britain’s average meat intake of 71g per day was very close to the 70g a day recommended by government experts. MAP成员、营养学家卡丽?拉克斯顿(Carrie Ruxton)表示,英国人每日肉类平均摄入量为71克,与政府专家建议的每日70克非常接近。

“Most people don’t need to reduce their red meat consumption,” she said. “Indeed some groups such as women, girls and pre-school children could eat more red meat to access the many nutritional benefits.” 她说:“多数人无需减少红肉摄入量。事实上,妇女、少女和学龄前儿童可以食用更多红肉,以获得更多营养学上的益处。”

The IARC declined to comment ahead of the report’s publication in The Lancet Oncology journal. IARC拒绝在该报告发表前置评此事。这篇报告将发表在《柳叶刀·肿瘤学》(The Lancet Oncology)杂志上。

Independent experts were cautious about the IARC’s claim. Professor Ian Johnson, emeritus fellow at the UK’s Institute of Food Research, said: “Although there is epidemiological evidence for a statistically significant association between processed meat consumption and bowel cancer, it is important to emphasise that the size of the effect is relatively small, and the mechanism is poorly defined. 独立专家则对IARC的声明持谨慎态度。英国食品研究所(Institute of Food Research)名誉退休研究员伊恩?约翰逊(Ian Johnson)教授表示:“虽然流行病学上的证据显示加工肉的消费和肠癌在统计上存在显著相关性,必须强调的一点是,该效应影响相对很小,相关机制描述含混不清。

“It is certainly very inappropriate to suggest that any adverse effect of bacon and sausages on the risk of bowel cancer is comparable to the dangers of tobacco smoke, which is loaded with known chemical carcinogens.” “可以肯定的是,暗示培根和腊肠对肠癌风险的有害作用可以和香烟相提并论,是非常不合适的。因为香烟含有已知的化学致癌物。”

Earlier this year a controversial IARC report declared that the world’s most widely used weedkiller, glyphosate, was a probable carcinogen. Nami的卡彭特表示:“按照IARC的说法,你可以上瑜伽课,但不要呼吸空气(空气是I级致癌物),也不要坐在充满阳光的窗户旁边(I级致癌物),不要喝葡萄酒或咖啡(I级致癌物和2A级致癌物),不要吃烤肉(2A级致癌物)或使用aloe vera芦荟胶(2B级致癌物)。”

The move led Monsanto, the company most dependent on glyphosate in its products, to express “outrage” at the assessment and accuse IARC of “agenda-driven bias”. “而如果你是美发师或轮班工作(两者都是2A级致癌),你就该换个工作。”

This time around the meat industry is getting its retaliation in first.

“IARC says you can enjoy your yoga class, but do not breathe air (class I carcinogen), sit near a sun-filled window (class I), drink wine or coffee (class I and class 2A,), eat grilled food (class 2A) or apply aloe vera (class 2B),” said Nami’s Mr Carpenter.

“And if you are a hairdresser or do shift work (both class 2A) you should seek a new career.”



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