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青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2015-10-29


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2015年10月29日了解到: 中国媒体大亨黎瑞刚将支付创纪录的13亿美元购入中国足球协会超级联赛(CSL,简称:中超)5年转播权,这场豪赌是在押注年轻人将在移动设备上付费观看内容、以及足球将成为中国内地的一个重要产业。Chinese media mogul Li Ruigang makes big bet on paid content Chinese media mogul Li Ruigang is paying a record-breaking $1.3bn for the five-year broadcast rights to China’s football league, in a big bet that young people will pay for content on mobile devices and the beautiful game will become big business on the mainland.
The Rmb8bn ($1.3bn) deal he agreed after seeing off state broadcaster CCTV and other competitors is a huge leap from the Rmb50m per year that is currently being paid to show a league whose top clubs are attracting investment from tycoons including Alibaba’s Jack Ma. 黎瑞刚一举击败官方的中国中央电视台(CCTV)及其他竞争对手,斩获了这笔价值80亿元人民币(合13亿美元)的交易,这个数字远远超过目前中超每个赛季5000万元人民币的转播费用。中超的顶级俱乐部吸引了大亨们的投资,包括阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的马云。

But it is still way behind the $2.6bn per year that Sky and British Telecom are paying for the rights for England’s Premier League, the world’s most watched domestic league. 但这仍远远不及英国天空电视台(Sky)与英国电信(British Telecom)为英格兰足球超级联赛(Premier League,简称:英超)支付的每赛季26亿美元转播费。英超是全球观看人数最多的国内足球联赛。

“Compared with international sports properties like the EPL, the National Basketball Association [in the US] and La Liga [in Spain], it is still small,” Mr Li told the Financial Times. “But the value of local sports leagues has not been fully discovered.” “与英超、美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)以及西班牙足球甲级联赛(La Liga)等国际体育资产相比,这个数字还很低,”黎瑞刚告诉英国《金融时报》,“不过,我们本土体育联赛的价值还没有被充分发现。”

Having recently set up a Chinese film studio with Warner Brothers and agreed to bring Legoland to Shanghai, Mr Li said his China Media Capital had more international sporting acquisitions in its sights as well as other entertainment deals. 黎瑞刚最近与华纳兄弟(Warner Brothers)共同成立了一家中国电影制作公司,并达成协议将乐高乐园(Legoland)引入上海。他表示,他的华人文化产业投资基金(China Media Capital,简称CMC)还考虑进行更多国际体育产业收购、并达成其他娱乐业交易。

“At the moment we are reviewing many opportunities, some of them quite high-profile,” he said. “We just try to figure out a China angle which means we can bring those leagues or expertise of operating those leagues back to China.” “目前我们正在评估很多机会,其中一些备受关注。”他表示,“我们只是试图找到一种中国视角,这意味着我们能够将这些联赛或者经营这些联赛的专业技能带回中国。”

While he declined to reveal any particular targets, he referred to recent reports that CMC is a leading investor in a possible $8.5bn consortium bid to buy control of the Formula One motorsport from private equity group CVC. 他拒绝透露具体的收购目标,但他提到了最近的报道,即CMC将牵头一个财团,以85亿美元从私人股本集团CVC手中收购一级方程式赛车(F1)的控股权。

“Probably you have heard the rumours in the market about Formula One,” the CMC chairman said with a laugh. “I cannot comment at the moment.” “你八成听过市场上有关F1的传闻,”这位CMC董事长笑着说,“我目前不能发表评论。”

Mr Li is hoping to ride a football revolution in China that is being pushed by President Xi Jinping, whom he accompanied on a trip to Manchester City football club during his recent state visit to the United Kingdom. 中国国家主席习近平正在推动中国足球革命,黎瑞刚希望抓住这场革命带来的机会。习近平最近在对英国进行国事访问期间访问了曼城足球俱乐部(MCFC),黎瑞刚在陪同人员之列。

Although football is popular in China, lacklustre performances by the national side and most domestic clubs have long been a source of embarrassment. China’s national team ranks 79th in the world behind the likes of Haiti, Togo and the United Arab Emirates. 尽管足球在中国很受欢迎,但长期以来,国家队以及多数国内俱乐部的黯淡表现令中国人尴尬不已。中国国家队在世界排名第79位,排在海地、多哥和阿联酋这样的国家之后。

But Chinese tycoons have rushed to invest in football at home and abroad to ingratiate themselves with President Xi, who has released a national plan to transform China’s footballing reputation. 但中国大亨已开始竞相投资国内外足球业,以讨好国家主席习近平——在习近平的指示下,中国已公布了一项提升中国足球声誉的国家级方案。

In 2014 Mr Ma’s Alibaba bought half of China’s best club, Guangzhou Evergrande, which is managed by former Brazilian national coach Luiz Felipe Scolari and has recruited a series of Brazilian star players. 2014年,马云旗下的阿里巴巴购入中国最优秀俱乐部广州恒大(Guangzhou Evergrande)半数股权,该俱乐部由前巴西国家队教练路易斯?费利佩?斯科拉里(Luiz Felipe Scolari)担任主教练,聘用了很多巴西明星球员。

As domestic football improves CMC believes it can convince Chinese consumers to pay for content on their smartphones that they are used to getting for free through TV or illegal streaming websites. 随着国内足球事业的好转,CMC相信,它能够说服中国消费者付费在智能手机上观看他们习惯于在电视或非法流媒体网站上免费观看的内容。

Speaking at a media conference in Hong Kong on Tuesday, Mr Li said that while Chinese viewers do not have a history of paying for premium content, mobile broadcasting was “the best solution for the paid model” because young people were much more focused on getting a “good user experience”. 黎瑞刚周二在香港的一个媒体会议上发表讲话时表示,中国观众过去不为观看优质内容付费,但移动播放是“付费模式的最佳解决方案”,因为年轻人对获得“良好的用户体验”要重视得多。



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