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青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2015-11-02


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2015年11月2日了解到:对坠毁在西奈半岛的俄罗斯客机进行调查的国际团队昨日扩大了对遇难者和飞机残骸的搜寻范围。这是10多年来涉及空客(Airbus)飞机的遇难者最多的事故之一。International teams investigating the crash of a Russian airliner in the Sinai Peninsula widened their search for victims and wreckage yesterday, after one of the deadliest incidents involving an Airbus in more than a decade.
The bodies of at least 163 of the 224 on board have been recovered and taken to morgues in Cairo, the Egyptian cabinet said. The search area now covers a 15km radius from the crash site, rather than an 8km radius, it said. 埃及内阁表示,在224名机上人员中,已至少找到163具遗体并送往开罗的太平间。埃及方面表示,以坠落地点为中心,目前搜寻半径已从8公里扩大到15公里。
The Airbus 321 operated by the Russian carrier Metrojet crashed early Saturday morning in a remote mountainous area 23 minutes after it took off from the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, killing all on board. 由俄罗斯航空公司Metrojet运营的这架空客321飞机上周六清晨从埃及的红海度假胜地沙姆沙伊赫( Sharm el-Sheikh)起飞,23分钟后在偏远的多山地区坠毁,机上所有人全部罹难。
Speculation about the cause of the crash intensified after Sinai Province, a militant group which claims to be affiliated with Isis, said it had downed the airliner, a claim both Russian and Egyptian officials have rejected. 一个号称与“伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国”(Isis)有关系的军事组织“西奈省”(Sinai Province)宣称,是他们造成这架客机坠毁,这加剧了各方对事故原因的猜测。但俄罗斯和埃及官员都否认了这一说法。
Viktor Sorochenko, a director of Russia’s Interstate Aviation Committee, said last night that the aircraft had broken apart in mid-air, with the wreckage “scattered over a large area of about 20 square kilometres”. But he added that it was “too early to draw conclusions” about the reason for the crash. 俄罗斯国家间航空委员会(Interstate Aviation Committee)主任维克托•索罗琴科(Viktor Sorochenko)昨晚表示,飞机在空中解体,残骸“散落在约20平方公里的广大范围内”。但他补充道,要对事故原因“下结论还为时尚早”。
Russian officials including the ministers of transport, emergency and civil aviation, along with search and rescue teams and investigators, were working with their Egyptian counterparts at the crash site, south of the North Sinai capital of El-Arish, last night. 昨夜,在北西奈首府阿里什(El-Arish)以南的坠机现场,俄罗斯交通、紧急处理和民航部门的部长等官员、搜救队和调查人员与埃及方面的相关人员一同开展工作。
Sharif Ismail, Egypt’s prime minister, said experts had confirmed that the airliner could not have been downed at the altitude it was flying at by the weapons the Sinai militants are known to possess — a position echoed by Maxim Sokolov, Russia’s transport minister. 埃及总理谢里夫•伊斯梅尔(Sharif Ismail)表示,专家们已经确认,以客机当时飞行的高度,这架客机不可能被西奈武装分子据悉拥有的武器击落——俄罗斯交通部长马克西姆•索科洛夫(Maxim Sokolov)也提出了同一论断。



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