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青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2015-11-05


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2015年11月5日了解到:本周六,中国大陆和台湾的最高领导人将举行自1949年台湾从中国分离以来的首次两岸会谈。1949年,中共在残酷的内战中战胜了国民党。Taiwan and China leaders to hold historic meeting The presidents of Taiwan and China will hold talks on Saturday in the first cross-straits meeting between leaders since Taiwan broke away from the rest of China in 1949 after the Communist party won the bitter civil war against the Kuomintang.

The ensuing row over the independent status of Taiwan, which Beijing still regards as a renegade province, has driven a military build-up in the region and repeatedly raised fears of conflict. 接下来围绕台湾独立地位的争吵,导致地区加强了军事力量,并不断令人担心爆发冲突。北京方面目前仍把台湾视为一个叛乱的省份。

The planned meeting, which was announced by Taiwan late on Tuesday, comes at a highly sensitive time as Taiwan elects a new president in January. 周二晚,台湾方面公布了这一消息。两岸领导人之间的预定会谈,发生在一个高度敏感的时点,因为明年1月,台湾将选举一位新总统。

The governing KMT, or Nationalist party, now known for its closer relationship with Beijing, is trailing far behind the opposition Democratic Progressive party, which wants to enhance Taiwan’s current position as a de facto sovereign state. 目前在台湾执政的国民党,以跟北京方面关系更密切而闻名。国民党在支持率上远远落后于民进党。民进党希望提升台湾当前这种实际上的主权国家的地位。

A spokesman for Taiwan’s outgoing president, Ma Ying-jeou, said in a statement that he would meet Xi Jinping in Singapore this Saturday. 即将离任的台湾总统马英九(Ma Ying-jeou)的发言人在声明中称,马英九将于本周六在新加坡与习近平会面。

He said the meeting was designed to “consolidate cross-strait peace and maintain the status quo but not to sign any agreement or joint statement”. 他说,马英九此行目的是“巩固两岸和平,维持台海现状,并不会签署任何协议、不会发表联合声明。”

Zhang Zhijun, head of Beijing’s Taiwan Affairs Office, said the leaders “would exchange views on promoting the peaceful development of cross-strait relations,” according to Xinhua, China’s official state news agency. 中国官方新闻社新华社表示,北京的国台办主任张志军说,两位领导人“将就推进两岸关系和平发展交换意见。”

Mr Xi will be in Singapore as part of a trip to Southeast Asia to boost ties with nations that have become increasingly concerned about China’s assertive stance in regional maritime disputes. He will first visit Vietnam, with which some of the most dangerous South China Sea clashes have occurred. 新加坡是此次习近平出访东南亚的一站,此次访问是为了与那些对中国在地区海上争端的强硬立场愈发感到担心的国家提升关系。他将首先访问越南,南中国海(South China Sea)上一些最严重冲突便发生在中越之间。

“This meeting shows Xi knows that DPP opposition chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen will win in January,” said Sean King of Park Strategies, a US-based public affairs adviser. “He thus wants to get in whatever Taiwan outreach he can before Taiwan’s government changes hands.” “这次会谈表明,习近平知道,台湾反对党民进党的主席蔡英文(Tsai Ing-wen)将会在1月的大选中获胜,”美国公共事务咨询机构Park Strategies的肖恩?金(Sean King)说,“这么说,他想在台湾政府易主之前,竭尽所能对台湾施加影响。”

Mr King thinks the historic meeting will have little impact on the outcome of the election and could even further damage the KMT, which recently ditched its presidential candidate because she was seen as too pro-Beijing. 金认为,这次历史性会谈将不会对选举结果产生什么影响,甚至可能会进一步危及国民党。不久前,国民党放弃了自己的总统候选人,就是因为她被外界视为太过亲近北京。

“If anything, it’ll hurt Ma’s KMT, making the Blues look even more like Beijing’s preferred party,” he said. “要说有什么不同的话,会谈将损害马英九所在的国民党,使泛蓝阵营看起来更像是受到北京方面青睐的党派,”他说。



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