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青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2015-11-06


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2015年11月6日了解到:高盛(Goldman Sachs)对年轻的投行家们承诺,将让他们获得更快晋升和更多样化的职业经历,并减少繁重低级的劳动。这是华尔街面对激烈竞争吸引新人才的最新策略之一。Goldman attempts to woo junior bankers with swift promotions Goldman Sachs is promising junior investment bankers faster promotions, more diverse experiences and less menial work as part of Wall Street’s latest attempt to lure new talent in the face of tough competition.

The bank unveiled a series of new initiatives to staff on Thursday afternoon, after nine months of senior management soul-searching. The process included interviews with hundreds of junior bankers to find out what would make them more likely to stay at Goldman rather than decamp to hedge funds, asset managers and tech groups. 在9个月的高级管理层自我反省之后,高盛在周四下午向员工推出了一系列新措施。他们与数百名年轻的银行家进行了面谈,以查明采取何种措施更有可能把他们留在高盛,而不跳槽到对冲基金、资产管理公司和科技集团。

David Solomon, co-head of investment banking, insisted to journalists that there were “still a lot of people who want to work for Goldman Sachs” even though banking has lost some of its allure as bonuses have fallen and the sector has been hit by scandals. 投行部联合主管大卫?所罗门(David Solomon)对记者们坚称,眼下“仍有许多人很想到高盛工作”,尽管随着奖金减少和行业受到丑闻冲击,投行业失去了部分吸引力。

But he added that: “In the competitive world that we live in it’s important that we do not take [people wanting to work for the bank] for granted.” 但他接着说:“在我们所处的竞争激烈的世界里,我们不能认为人们理所当然地想在高盛工作,这一点非常重要。”

To improve the lot of constantly on-call bankers, Goldman is now promising them they can expect to be promoted from analysts to associates within two years as long as their performance is up to scratch. That is a year faster than the bank’s traditional process. Other promotions will also be accelerated, and it will now take five and a half years for the best candidates to reach the coveted ‘vice-president’ level, two years shorter than the current requirement. 为了增加随时待命的银行家数量,高盛承诺他们可预期两年内从分析师提升至副经理,只要业绩达标。这比高盛传统上的晋升年限减少了1年。其他晋升也会加快,表现最好的副经理提升为令人向往的“副总裁”(VP)将仅需要5年半,比当前要求缩短了2年。

Analysts in Goldman’s investment banking division will be offered rotations after their first two years so they can experience another part of the world or business division. “Mobility has always been a core part of the culture at Goldman Sachs,” said Mr Solomon. “It’s probably been more difficult to enhance it as the firm got bigger. We’re going back to our roots and trying to find a way to enhance that experience and mobility.” 至于高盛投行部门的分析师,他们在头两年之后将会进行岗位轮换,以便可以获得在世界其他地区或公司其他业务部门的经历。“流动性始终是高盛文化的一个核心组成部分,”所罗门说,“随着公司变大,提升员工流动性很可能更难办到。我们将回归自己的本源,努力找到一条提升多样化经历和流动性的途径。”

Goldman has already tried to attract juniors with better pay, including a 20 per cent pay rise in summer 2014 and better conditions. 高盛已开始尝试通过提高薪酬来吸引年轻银行家——2014年夏季加薪20%,并提供更好的工作条件。



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