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青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2015-11-19


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2015年11月19日了解到:默西河上本会建起一个“小上海”,成为这里最引人注目的景色。现在威勒尔(Wirral)计划要建立一座国际贸易中心,地址可能就在阳光港(Port Sunlight)网球俱乐部后面的郊区工业区。It was to be the centrepiece of a mini Shanghai on the Mersey. Now an international trade centre planned for the Wirral could be built on a suburban industrial estate behind Port Sunlight tennis club.

The original £175m scheme was an attempt to harness Chinese investment and to underpin the £4.5bn Wirral Waters development of offices, homes and warehouses on 500 acres of redundant dockland. 最初的1.75亿英镑项目意在利用中国的投资,并为45亿英镑的威勒尔水域(Wirral Waters)项目打下基础,威勒尔水域项目将在500英亩的庞大码头区开发写字楼、住宅和仓库。

It would have housed 1,000 Chinese companies wanting to do business in the UK in a tax-friendly zone. 届时这里将有1000家中国企业入驻,它们希望能在英国实行税收优惠政策的区域做生意。

Peel, the multibillion pound property group behind the plans, has ended a joint venture with its Chinese development partner Sam Wa “by mutual agreement” after several fruitless years attempting to recruit occupiers. 规模数十亿英镑的房地产集团沛尔集团(Peel Group)是该项目背后的支持者,沛尔集团与其中国开发伙伴森华资源控股有限公司(Sam Wa Resources Holdings)经过数年招商失败后,“经双方同意”,终止了它们的合资企业。

It has switched its focus, it says, to potential investors from Korea, India and other fast-growing economies. 沛尔集团表示已将目光转向来自韩国、印度和其他快速发展经济体的潜在投资者。

But the Labour local council is pressing ahead regardless. It has agreed in private to sell a patch of former Ministry of Defence land in Birkenhead to Sam Wa, the Financial Times has learnt. The deal was approved by its cabinet on November 5, without public scrutiny as an “exempt item”. 但工党地方议会仍在继续推进与森华的合作,英国《金融时报》获悉,它已私下同意将伯肯黑德(Birkenhead)原属英国国防部的一块土地出售给森华。其内阁于11月5日批准了这笔交易,作为“豁免项目”,该交易不需公众审查。

Wirral council said commercial confidentiality meant it could not discuss the deal publicly. 威勒尔地方议会表示由于这笔交易涉及商业机密,因此无法公开谈论。

The challenges of development in the area were made clear at the same meeting, where the council set up a £16.1m investment fund for Wirral Waters, saying it would borrow money against future business rates to kick-start construction. 也是在此次会议上,开发该地区的挑战显露无遗。当地议会为威勒尔水域项目设立了1610万英镑投资基金,表示为了启动建设,将以未来营业房产税做担保借入资金。

The council papers proposing the fund state that “there are a number of barriers to development, in particular that end values are far less than the actual cost of development”. 威勒尔地方议会在提议设立该基金的文件上指出,“存在诸多开发障碍,尤其是最终价值远远低于开发的实际成本。”

They also warned that if land prices fell, the fund could make a loss. 他们还警告说如果土地价格下跌,该基金可能会亏损。

Peel owns the bulk of the waterfront on the Mersey and is pressing on with the rest of Wirral Waters, although a college and office block are the only buildings to go up so far. 沛尔集团拥有大量默西河畔土地,而且还在抓紧开发威勒尔水域剩余地区,虽然至目前为止只建起了一座大学以及一栋办公大楼。

England’s northern cities have been jostling for Chinese investment. 英格兰北部城市一直在争夺中国投资。

Last month, Manchester hosted President Xi Jinping of China. 上个月,曼彻斯特接待了中国国家主席习近平。

He announced that Beijing Construction Engineering Group, a state-owned company, would invest in two large offices by the airport, which would cater to Chinese companies. The £130m plan is part of Manchester’s Airport City scheme. 习近平宣布中国的国有企业北京建工集团(Beijing Construction Engineering Group)将参与投资曼彻斯特机场的两处大型办公设施,它们将迎合中国企业的需求。该项目计划投资1.3亿英镑,是曼彻斯特空港城项目的一部分。

The Wirral is anxious to catch up. 威勒尔渴望赶上这股投资热潮。

Sam Wa was founded and is chaired by Stella Shiu, who changed her name after being declared bankrupt by a Hong Kong court in 2008 for failure to repay a loan. 森华由邵瀚萱(Stella Shiu)创建并担任董事长,她曾在2008年因未能偿还一笔贷款被香港一家法院宣告破产,在那之后她更改了自己的名字。

The sale will proceed after due diligence on Sam Wa, the council said. 威勒尔议会称,在对森华进行尽职调查后,出售将继续进行。

This month it also agreed to delegate to its leader, Phil Davies, the power to approve asset sales up to £2.5m. The site being sold to Sam Wa was valued at £2m in 2013, according to a document seen by the FT. 本月,威勒尔议会还同意授予其领导人菲尔?戴维斯(Phil Davies)可以批准出售高达250万英镑资产的权力。根据英国《金融时报》看到的一份文件,正在出售给森华的地块2013年时估值为200万英镑。

Mr Davies said: “Sam Wa, who at an earlier stage were going to be partnering with Peel, are now looking to invest all the money themselves.” 戴维斯说:“曾在较早时候准备与沛尔集团合作的森华,现在希望自己投资所有的资金。”

Phil Gilchrist, leader of the Liberal Democrats on the council, questioned the suitability of the site for a trade centre. He noted that it was “inland with no immediately accessible port facilities” and some distance from the M53. 威勒尔议会自由民主党(Liberal Democrats)领袖菲尔?吉尔克里斯特(Phil Gilchrist)质疑将该区域建成贸易中心的合理性。他指出,该区域处于“内陆,没有立即可以使用的港口设施”,而且距离M53高速公路也有一段距离。

“The site has not yet proved attractive to developers,” he added. “该区域尚未证明对开发商具有吸引力,”他补充说。

Sam Wa’s stated interests include electronics manufacturing, import and export, timber trading and a large mining concession in the Philippines. 森华公布的业务包括电子制造、进出口、木材交易,其还拥有菲律宾一个大型矿山的独家开采权。

An FT investigation in 2013 found its home at the time was a cramped office belonging to an organisation called “Shanghai Enterprise Top 100 Association”. 英国《金融时报》2013年的调查发现,森华当时的办公地点位于一间狭小的办公室,而该办公室属于一个名为“上海100强企业活动组委会”(Shanghai Enterprise Top 100 Association)的组织。

Sam Wa’s headquarters in Beijing was a closely guarded military hotel that did not allow outsiders to enter. 森华在北京的总部位于一家戒备森严、不许外人进入的军队宾馆。

Ms Shiu and Sam Wa did not answer emails seeking comment. 邵瀚萱女士和森华方面都未回复记者寻求置评的电子邮件。



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