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加拿大校园枪击案 四人死亡(中英双语)

青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2016-01-23


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2016年1月23日了解到:Four people have been killed and several injured in a school shooting in the western Canadian province of Saskatchewan, police say.


They say a male suspect is now in custody and children have been moved to safety after the shooting at La Loche Community School. Earlier reports said five people had been killed. What unfolded in the school was "every parent’s worst nightmare", Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said. Witnesses at the scene described screaming and more than half a dozen shots.

警方称,拉洛什(La Loche)社区学校发生枪击后,一名男性嫌疑犯已经被拘留,学生们已经被安全转移。之前也有报道称五人死亡。加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多表示,在学校发生的这种事件是“每个家长的噩梦”。目击者称听到了很多尖叫声和很多次枪响。

’Shock and sorrow’


At a news conference, Maureen Levy, a senior officer at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), said the suspect was in custody after his gun was seized. "There’s no risk to public safety at this time," she said, adding: "This is truly a tragedy." She provided no further details.

在一场新闻发布会上,加拿大皇家骑警的一位高级官员Maureen Levy说到,嫌疑犯已经被夺枪并拘留,“现在,没有公共安全风险。”她补充到:“这真是一场悲剧。”她没有提供进一步的细节。

Police are also investigating a second shooting at another location in the remote community. Speaking earlier in Davos, Switzerland, Mr Trudeau said: "Obviously, this is every parent’s worst nightmare and all of us across this country - hearts are going out to the families and to the whole community. Mr Trudeau also praised "the first responders who acted quickly and bravely". RCMP said they were called about "an active shooter" at 13:00 local times (19:00 GMT) and detained the suspect 45 minutes later, Canada’s CBC broadcaster reports.


"Words cannot express my shock and sorrow at the horrific events today in La Loche," Brad Wall, the premier of Saskatchewan, said in a statement. "My thoughts and prayers are with all the victims, their families and friends and all the people of the community."

萨斯喀彻温省的总理Brad Wall在发言中表示:“今天在拉洛什发生了的可怕的事件,语言已经不能表达我的震惊和悲痛。我为受害者、他们的家庭和朋友以及在社区内的所有人祈祷。”

About 900 students attend La Loche Community School for kindergarten through to grade 12 (the last year of high school). "I ran outside the school," Noel Desjarlais, a Grade 10 student, told CBC. "There was lots of screaming, there was about six, seven shots before I got outside. I believe there was more shots by the time I did get out."

拉洛什社区学校共有约900名学生,从幼儿园到12年级(高中最后一年)。一名10年级的同学Noel Desjarlais告诉CBC,“我跑出了学校,到处都是尖叫声,在我跑出去之前,我听到了六七声枪响。我觉得,我出去后还有更多的枪响。”

La Loche is an aboriginal community of about 3,000 people. It is located about 500km (311 miles) north-west of the city of Prince Albert. This is said to be Canada’s worst school shooting since 14 people were killed by a gunman at Montreal’s Ecole Polytechnique in 1989.

拉洛什是一个3000人左右的原住民小区,在 Prince Albert市西北约500千米(311英米)处。据说,这是加拿大既1989年发生在蒙特利尔Ecole Polytechnique 学院的枪击案后最糟糕的一次校园枪击案,该枪击案造成14人死亡。



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