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青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2016-02-26


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2016年2月26日了解到:The newly overhauled SAT exam, which puts a heavier emphasis on reading comprehension, may affect the performance of Chinese students, who have traditionally excelled in the math part of the test and relied heavily on rote memorization and cramming.
  The new test will feature longer and more difficult reading passages, as well as wordier math problems that the College Board, which administers the test, said will test students on their real-world applications. Short sentence-completion questions will be eliminated, and students will have to figure out the meaning of vocabulary in reading passages.
  新的考试将会侧重更长更有难度的短文阅读, SAT考试的管理机构-美国大学理事会,表明这样的调整为了测试学生在现实世界里面的应用能力。 完形填空也将会被删除, 学生们将必须去找出词语在文章里面的含义。
  The writing section will be optional for students applying to schools that require it, and maximum scores are going back to 1600 — down from the 2400 points for the tests administered between 2005 and this year.
  写作部分对于学生申请的学校的具体要求而定,不再是必选项。 2005年开始实施的最高分2400将会降回到1600分。
  The overhaul of the SAT exam is the most substantial redesign in a decade.
  Some college admissions officers and education experts believe that students from immigrant families and countries where English is not the native language will be at a disadvantage when being tested with longer reading passages.
  一些大学管理人员和教育界专家认为对于那些来自英语不是母语的移民家庭和国家的学生来说, 更长的阅读对他们通过考试是不利的。
  "The heavier weighting on extended reading passages could well put kids whose home language is not English at a disadvantage, because the test remains timed — speed is a key issue," said Robert Schaeffer, public education director of the National Center for Fair and Open Testing, which promotes equal opportunity in education.
  国家公平开发考试中心的公共教育秘书长Robert Schaeffer提到, “增加阅读段落会让非英语国家的孩子处于劣势, 因为考试里面时间和速度依然是关键因素”。Robert Schaeffer 致力于推广教育领域的机会平等.
  "They may feel pressed to complete many of the longer passages in the available time, and quite often, kids from other nations are translating in their head from the English text to their home language and then back to English to get the right answer," he said.
  Robert Schaeffer提到, 对于非英语国家的孩子,在一定的时间内他们要完成把英语文章转换到他们的母语接着从母语转换到英语而得出正确答案的过程会让他们感到很有压力。
  The College Board said in a statement provided to China Daily that the new SAT measures skills essential for college and career readiness for all students, "regardless of geography".
  美国大学理事会在一份给《中国日报》的声明中说到, 新的SAT考试措施对于在校生或者即将毕业的学生来说都是必不可少的,无论你来自哪里。
  "The College Board has redesigned the SAT to make it more focused, useful and clear for all students than ever before, in part by eliminating the tricks and mysteries that previously left some students at a disadvantage," the board statement said. "Among the biggest changes to the test is the removal of obscure vocabulary words that were an unnecessary barrier for some students, including those whose first language is not English."
  The College Board also said that the new test will feature passages from founding documents of the United States, such as the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, which may include antiquated language that students who didn’t grow up studying in the US might not understand.
  "Other than waving a patriotic flag, there is no measurement reason why reading passages should be about US founding documents rather than Darwin or the UN founding documents," Schaeffer said.
  “除了挥舞着爱国旗帜,我们没有不需要解释为什么阅读文章应该是关于美国的开国文档,而不是达尔文或联合国创始文件,” Schaeffer说。
  Dennis Yim, an SAT programs manager for Kaplan Test Prep, said the changes will alter who does well on the test, making it harder for slower readers and those who struggle with English as a second language. It may even affect students who usually perform well in the math section.
  Kaplan Test Prep的SAT考试项目经理Dennis Yim说这样的变化会影响那些原本做的不错的学生,新的措施对于阅读较慢和把英语作为第二外语的来说将会变得更加困难。 它甚至影响原本在数学方面做的不错的学生。
  "It’s important to understand that students should take an early look at the test and understand what those new challenges will be — especially, especially on the math section," said Yim, who runs programs across the city for Kaplan, one of the largest test prep programs in the US.
  “重要的是要理解,让学生及早看到和了解这些新的挑战——尤其是,尤其是在数学部分,“Yim说, 他负责位于Kaplan的其中一个美国最大的预科项目。
  "On the previous test, there were questions that tested just your base line knowledge, your ability to use number operations or setting up equations," he added.
  “在之前测试中的问题仅限于你基本的知识水平, 能够数字运算或建立方程,”他补充道。
  "But now we’re talking about a math test that, yes, still is 30 percent word problems, but we’re looking at word problems that involve pretty intricate scenarios."
  Assistant provost for enrollment at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, said that it’s "very hard to believe that any nonnative English speaker is not going to be put at a disadvantage, especially when there’s more reading required."
  Kregg Strehorn,马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特学院负责招生的教务长助理说这“很难相信任何非英语国家的人会不处于劣势,尤其是当有更多的阅读。”
  With the reading comprehension spilling over even to the math section, the test becomes even more difficult, he added.
  Strehorn, who helps evaluate students’ admission applications and has seen an increase in Chinese students applying to the university, said that this new test might influence parents in China to send their children to international schools earlier to get a head start on learning in English.
  Students who study in a more Western class setting may have an advantage, he said, even if it’s "just a contextual advantage — kind of learning the subjects while they’re learning English."
  Rick Clark, director of undergraduate admissions at Georgia Tech, said that while there won’t be a huge drop in scores, he expects a "slight diminishing of average scores in Asia in particular" when the new test is first administered internationally in May. US students will take the new test for the first time in March.
  Because of the new test and the lack of knowledge about how well the scores will predict a student’s actual success in college, Clark said that Georgia Tech admissions officers are expecting that they will focus less on the test scores in the coming year until students become more familiar with the test.
  But experts agree that, overall, the test may be more representative of students’ English skills and ability to succeed once they enter a US college.
  Clark from Georgia Tech said he hoped there will be a new awareness in China that test scores are important, but no more important than other factors that schools are considering.
  来源:China Daily双语版



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