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青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2016-02-28


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2016年2月28日了解到:BARCELONA, Spain – It looks like 5G is here! At least that’s what it looked like if you wandered around Mobile World Congress 2016 this week. Booths filled with information about the next-generation wireless standard — some even offering “demonstrations” of the technology — seemed to occupy more floor space even than new smartphones.
  (西班牙 巴塞罗那)5G似乎走进了我们的生活。如果你本周漫步在2016年世界移动大会的会场上,就能体验到5G服务。会场内的站台遍是关于下一代无线通信标准的信息。其中一些甚至提供了该技术的展示体验服务。5G似乎占有比新智能手机更多的楼层空间。
  But the reality is that the successor to 4G cellular service is still, according to best estimations, around five years from connecting devices around the world.
  So why, then, was 5G the talk of Barcelona’s big international tech conference now?
  The idea of 5G needed no inventing, per se: We’ve all known for a while that “5” would come after “4.” But what the Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) Alliance did shortly after last year’s MWC was release something called the “5G White Paper” to lay out what 5G wireless will look like in terms of speed. (Assuming, of course, that consumer companies and hardware vendors can cooperate.)
  In that paper, the alliance announced the next mobile data standard should be capable of a healthy 1 gigabit per second (Gbps). Yep: With 4G speeds in the U.S. today averaging somewhere between 5 and 12 megabits per second (Mbps), 5G will look to improve upon its predecessor by up to 200 times.
  You’re probably psyched to imagine how fast apps, video, and other data will download or stream over 5G. But the idea of imminent gigabit mobile data is even more exciting for wireless infrastructure companies such as Qualcomm and Cisco. (After all, they’ll be ones who’ll have to upgrade that infrastructure to the new standard.) This year’s Mobile World Congress gave these brands the first big international stage where they could trot out their moonshot ideas for the potential new tech. And trot they did.
  你可能已经在激动地想象手机应用、视频以及 其他数据在5G网络下运行或下载的速度该有多快。但是关于即将来临的千兆级移动数据流量更让Qualcomm和Cisco这样的无线设备公司兴奋(毕竟它 们才是需要为迎合新标准而将系统升级换代的公司)。今年的世界移动大会给这些品牌第一次走上国际舞台的机会,它们能够展示潜在新技术的疯狂想法。而它们也 的确士气高昂地完成了这些展示。
  Intel, for example, introduced a new 5G partnership with Ericsson to further advance the burgeoning Internet of Things (IoT).



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