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青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2016-03-01


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2016年3月1日了解到:Starbucks says it plans to enter probably its most intimidating market yet: Italy.


The coffee chain said Sunday that the first Starbucks will open in Milan in early 2017, in partnership with Italian developer Percassi.


It’s a symbolic move for the 45-year-old company and its CEO, Howard Schultz. On a business trip in the 1980s, Schultz visited Milan and Verona and decided to bring espresso drinks to the U.S. The concept took off, and Starbucks became the beverage giant it is today.

对于拥有四十五年历史的星巴克公司以及星巴克董事长兼首席执行官霍华德·舒尔茨(Howard Schultz)来说,进军意大利市场可谓是一个历史性的突破。上个世纪八十年代,舒尔茨到米兰和维罗纳出差,之后他决定将意式浓缩咖啡饮品宣传给美国。后来,这个创意一举成功,成就了当今饮品界的巨头——星巴克品牌。

Starbucks already has a presence in Europe, but it has not been as successful there as in other markets. The company entered the U.K. in 1998 and there are now about 2,400 stores in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, making up about 10 percent of stores globally.


Italy is expected to prove a challenge. Coffee is a deep part of the culture, with myriad local shops competing to sell espresso and cappuccinos. Most shops operate as places where Italians can get a quick espresso and go about their way, in contrast to Starbucks’ stores which are designed for customers to sit and work or talk with friends.


Starbucks alluded to the challenge the company is expected to face, saying it was entering Italy "with humility and respect."


Starbucks’ store in Italy will be owned and run by Percassi, the licensee. Other stores are expected to follow.


"We know that we are going to face a unique challenge with the opening of the first Starbucks store in Italy," said Percassi President Antonio Percassi, in a prepared statement.

星巴克的意大利合作伙伴Percassi公司总裁安东尼奥·佩尔卡西(Antonio Percassi)也表示,“我们也明白,在咖啡王国意大利开张首家星巴克门店,将会使我们面临严峻的挑战。”
来源:Fox News



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