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青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2016-04-08


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2016年4月8日了解到:Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced the creation of a new National Guard, which he said would fight terrorism and organised crime.


The force will be formed of interior ministry troops and led by Mr Putin’s former bodyguard, Viktor Zolotov, who will report directly to the president.


Mr Putin’s spokesman said the force could be used to maintain public order.


But Dmitry Peskov denied its creation was linked to elections in September. Some critics say Mr Putin fears unrest.


Mr Putin made the announcement during a meeting with key security officials at the Kremlin. "The decisions have been taken, we are creating a new federal body of executive power," he said.

普京在克里姆林宫和安全部门的高级官员举行会晤时宣布了这一决定 “我们做出了这项决定,一支拥有执法权的新的联邦军队即将诞生”普京如是说。

He also announced that Russia’s drug control agency and federal migration service would become part of the interior ministry’s remit.


Why now?


The creation of a National Guard has been talked about for years. Mr Peskov said he "could not explain" the timing but denied it had anything to do with upcoming elections or any mistrust of other law-enforcement agencies.


But there are suggestions that President Putin is concerned about possible unrest in the run-up to parliamentary elections in September.


Liberal Yabloko party leader Emilia Slabunova said it was an "attempt by the authorities to protect themselves from protests" while independent military analyst Alexander Golts said Russian authorities were concerned by "colour revolutions" in neighbouring countries such as Ukraine and Georgia.

俄罗斯民主党党魁 Emilia Slabunova表示此举是“当局为免于发生抗议的举措”,而独立军事分析家Alexander Golts称俄罗斯当局担忧在邻国乌克兰和格鲁吉亚爆发的“颜色革命”在俄罗斯发生。

Who’s in favour and who’s against?


Pro-Kremlin officials have welcomed the change, but opposition figures and commentators fear a further strengthening of security structures.


Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov said the new force would "enhance units’ operational capability". The head of the State Duma’s defence and anti-corruption committee, Irina Yarovaya, said it was "an absolutely timely, adequate and systemic answer to modern challenges and threats".


But Communist MP Vladimir Rodin said the reshuffle was "a dangerous path" and influential cultural figure Marat Gelman called it a "step towards a police state".

但是共产党副主席弗拉基米尔.罗丹表示此次机构变动堪称“危险的一步”而颇具影响力的文化人 Marat Gelman称其为“迈向遍地警察的举措”。

What happens next?


The National Guard looks set to become a powerful force. Its proposed powers include the right to shoot or use force without warning and enter private premises while on duty when there is a threat to the lives of civilians or National Guard personnel.


Some unconfirmed reports suggest it could number up to 400,000 people and have tanks, heavy artillery and attack helicopters. What is not clear is how the new force will work with the interior ministry and other security agencies.




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