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双语新闻:全球著名的显卡芯片制造商英伟达发布首款虚拟实境游戏:《VR 嘉年华》

青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2016-07-19


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2016年7月19日了解到:Nvidia Corp.’s graphics cards have long been a household name around the world, or at least in houses with gamers in them. And now, the company has finally taken a step into gaming proper, launching its first-ever game Thursday.


Titled "VR Funhouse," the game is a virtual reality collection of seven arcade-style mini games and has been designed with two purposes in mind. In a blog post, Nvidia said: “It was created with a dual-purpose. First, we wanted it to be fun. To be enjoyed by people of all ages, whether or not they’ve tried VR, whether or not they’re an early adopter. Second, it was created to show how immersive VR can be when physics simulation is fully integrated into an experience.”


The game is built on Epic’s Unreal Engine 4 and using Nvidia’s PhysX SDK (software development kit), integrates “physical simulation into every aspect of the game.” Combined with graphics and haptic feedback, it is meant to “make you feel like you are at a carnival.”

该游戏采用Epic 公司的虚幻4引擎开发,搭载了英伟达物理加速卡 PhysX SDK( PhysX SDK 是一款软件开发工具包),“游戏的视觉、听觉和触觉各个方面都采用了物理仿真模拟,加上优质显卡和触觉反馈技术,这些都会“使你仿佛真得置身嘉年华。”

Nvidia also said it will release "VR Funhouse" as open source later in the summer to allow developers to experiment with the SDK that will enable enthusiasts and artists to build their own mini-games.

英伟达还表示将在这个夏天开放《VR嘉年华》的源代码供游戏开发者们测试PhysX SDK,该技术可供游戏爱好者和艺术家们开发自己的迷你小游戏。

For now, "VR Funhouse" can be downloaded for free from Steam. It requires Windows 7 or above as operating system, a fast processor, at least 8GB of RAM and a high-end graphics card. And of course, a compatible VR headset, like the HTC Vive.

迄今为止,《VR嘉年华》可以在 游戏平台Steam上免费下载。该游戏目前要求PC端至少是Windows7或是更高的操作系统,高性能CPU,至少8G的内存以及高端显卡。当然还少不了一个可以和英伟达兼容的VR设备,比如HTC的vive。



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