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Foreigner Exemption Agreement



Party A:


Party B:


On the basis of equality, willingness and consensus, Party A and Party B reach the Exemption Agreement as follows through full and friendly consultation on matters concerning that Party A invites Party B to travel in China and participate in the Horse Endurance Race held in Dangshan, China on October 6, 2017:


第一条  甲方负责乙方来华期间的整个行程安排,具体时间从  日至   日。

Article 1 Party A is responsible for arrangement of Party B's whole trip in China, specifically, from to  .

第二条  甲方为乙方提供往返中国(旅游)参赛的机票与参赛期间的酒店、餐饮服务。

Article 2 Party A shall provide Party B with the round-trip tickets for (traveling) taking part in race in China and the hotel and catering service during the race.

第三条  甲方为乙方提供耐力赛参赛马匹。

Article 3 Party A shall provide Party B with racing horse for the Endurance Race.

第四条  甲方为乙方准备轻松愉悦的中国文化短期旅游。

Article 4 Party A shall prepare a short-term relaxing and happy Chinese cultural tourism for Party B.


Article 5


Article 6

第七条  乙方在来华参赛期间,于本人及本人相关的第三人的人身伤害、意外事故、财产损失、骑乘马匹出现的伤病等涉及赔偿责任问题,本人及家属保证不向甲方提出任何形式的赔偿主张。

Article 7 During the period that Party B takes part in the race in China, Party B and his relatives ensure not to claim any form of compensation against Party A for any compensation liability problem, including personal injury, accident, property loss, and injury and illness while riding horse caused to Party B and a third party related to Party B.


Article 8

第九条  由于甲方承担了乙方来中国的往返机票、餐饮、酒店住宿、报名费、保险费及租赁参赛马匹等费用。故同意参加本次比赛所获得的奖杯及全部奖金均归甲方所有。

Article 9 Party B agrees that, the cup and all bonuses obtained by Party B in the race shall be possessed by Party A because Party A shall have borne Party B's round trip tickets, catering, hotel accommodation and application costs, insurance premium, and the expenses for hiring horse. 

第十条  本协议若在履行过程中发生争议,由双方协商解决,协商不成的,任何一方均有权向甲方所在地人民法院起诉。 

Article 10 Any and all disputes during the execution of this Agreement shall be settled by both parties through consultation.  Where consultation fails, any party shall have the right to file a lawsuit in the people’s court at the location where Party A is located. 

第十一条  本协议自双方签订之日起生效。本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。

Article 11 This Agreement shall come into force as of the date of signature of both parties. This Agreement is made out in two (2) originals for Party A and Party B each holding one (1).



甲方:         乙方:

Party A:       Party B:

(签章)                                       (签章)

 (Signature/Seal)                           (Signature/Seal)



日期:                                          日期:

Date:                                           Date:



