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发布时间:2016-03-27  来源:青岛希尼尔翻译公司  编辑:希尼尔翻译部原创翻译



Qingdao Commodity Housing Presale Contract

Prepared by Qingdao Industrial and Commercial Administration Bureau and Qingdao Municipal Construction Commission
青岛市建设委员会  制定

Special Notice

  I. This Contract is a model contract stipulated in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations on the method for real estate transfer, terms and conditions printed hereof are suggestive ones for mutual adoption by both parties.本合同文本是根据有关房地产转让的法律、法规、规定制定的示范文本,印制的合同条款为提示性条款,供双方当事人约定采用。
  II. House purchase is a civil legal act involves relatively bigger amount of subject matter, higher expertise and more laws and regulations. To better protect the rights and interests of both parties, a Contract shall be entered into with due discretion and as detailed, comprehensive and precise as possible.购房是一种民事法律行为,涉及的标的额较大、专业性较强、法律规范较多,为更好地维护双方当事人的权益,双方签订合同时应当慎重,力求签订得具体、全面、严密。
  III. Before signing the presale Contract, the real estate developer shall show the presale license of commodity housing to the purchaser. With regard to the authenticity and validity of the presale license and the possibilities of limited transfer of rights caused by the facts that the said commodity house has been presold repeatedly or sealed up by judicial authorities, the purchaser may make an enquiry to the district/county real estate trading center where the said commodity house is located.在签订预售合同前,房地产开发企业应向购房人出示商品房预售许可证。预售许可证真实性、合法性及该商品房屋是否存在重复预售和被司法机关查封等权利转移受限制的情况,购房人可向该商品房屋所在地的区市房地产交易中心查阅。
  IV. To protect their legal rights and interests, both parties herein may make the presale advertisement and brochure the annex of the commodity housing presale Contract upon agreement.为保护合同双方当事人的合法权益,双方可以将预售广告、售楼书约定为商品房预售合同的附件。
  V. As the commodity house for presale is a house under construction (or a built house without initial land registration) by the real estate developer, there are uncertainties concerning the area, delivery date and quality of the house. Before signing the purchase Contract, both parties shall be fully acquainted with issues listed below:预售的商品房是房地产开发企业正在建设中的房屋(或已建成但未办理房地产权属登记证明的房屋),该房屋的面积、交房日期质量等方面都存在着不确定因素。房屋买卖双方在签订前,应对下列问题予以充分了解:
  1. When the commodity house is presold, the building area of the house is a result of temporary measurement. Upon delivery, the actual building area determined by the mapping institution appointed by the relevant housing, land or real estate administration authority shall be final. The presale Contract shall explicitly provide the gross building area, interior building area and public share building area. If the temporarily measured area is in discrepancy with the actual area, actions shall be taken in line with Article 20 of Regulatory Measures for the Sale of Real Estate. 商品房预售时房屋的建筑面积是暂测的,房屋交付时则以房屋所在地房屋、土地或房地产主管部门认定的测绘机构实测建筑面积为准。预售合同中须明确载明房屋的建筑面积、套内建筑面积、公用分摊建筑面积。暂测面积与交付时实测面积不一致,按《商品房销售管理办法》第二十条规定)处理。

来源:希尼尔翻译公司 http://www.sinosenior.com/sy/615.html




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